FAQs about sponsors

Author photo  Hugh M
  Last updated January 20 2022

If you don't find the answers you are looking for, please reach out to us at info@canapii.com.


Q: What is a sponsor zone? 

A: A sponsor zone is a page dedicated to displaying a single sponsor's information and assets. 


Q: Are sponsor zones open for the whole event?

A: Yes.


Q: What content can be placed in sponsor zones? 

A: Apart from the description and logo of the sponsor, admins can add assets like PDFs, URL links, videos, event sessions, and other asset files that are affiliated with that sponsor.


Q: Are there any limits to content in a sponsor zone?

A: Our free model allows the following sponsor assets: logo, description, URLs, PDFs, session links, videos and other files. If you would like custom content abilities, please reach out to our custom events team to discuss options @ info@canapii.com


Q: Can sponsor zones only be accessible to specific people?

A: Yes, use the sponsor's target attendees option shown when creating or updating a sponsor zone. This will only show the sponsor to specific groups of attendees based on admin provided logic (such as attendee type, ticket, preferred languages etc.).


Q: How do I know who is viewing a zone?

A: Admins can access the view history and other analytics by navigating to the sponsor tab of the event Console sidebar and selecting the sponsor zone of interest. Next select the leads tab at the bottom of the page to view users who have interacted with the sponsor's zone.


Q: How can sponsors access their zone?

A: Sponsors can view their sponsor zones but cannot edit their information or assets directly. Event admins can enable sponsor admins via the events general settings page. This will allow certain users (selected by email address) the ability to access the specific sponsor zone in the event console to build out their sponsor zone and view analytics (these users will need to create a Canapii account first). Otherwise, sponsors will need to contact an event admin to make changes to their sponsor zones.


Q: How can sponsors access their zone analytics?

A: You can give sponsors access to view and edit their zone analytics by adding them as a sponsor admin. To do this, go to sponsors and click on the sponsor, then scroll down to the admins tab. Click add admin. Add the sponsor team member's email address, make sure the box next to Sponsor's analytics is selected and save.


Q: Are there any limits to the number of people who can visit a zone?

A: No.


Q: Can social media links and URLs be added to a zone?

A: Yes. Admins have the ability to add links to social media accounts and websites to sponsor zones through the sponsors tab on the event Console sidebar.


Q: Can I include a chat area in sponsor zones?

A: Yes. Admins have the ability to enable a sponsor sidebar chat from the general settings tab of the event console sidebar. This option is on the right hand side of the screen below the menu options.


If you don't find the answers you are looking for, please reach out to us at help@canapii.com.