Restrict and encourage your attendees networking possibilities with matchmaking!
This article will discuss how event organizers can set up meeting logic behind networking with the aim of encouraging or restricting attendee types/groups to come together.Note: It's important to remember that before the meeting logic is set up, we encourage you to consider the types or groups of attendees that you would like to 'match' and apply when setting up the event registration.
To set up the matchmaking:
1. Select meeting (underneath step 2 within the event console) and then select settings at the top of the page
2. Select the who can meet tab
3. The who can meet page allows you to decide who can network throughout your event. You'll be presented with a page which outlines the different attendee types attending your event and each type will have their own box i.e. if you've set up four attendee types, you'll see four separate boxes within the 'type' in bold lettering
4. Simply work your way through each box and select the attendee types which you are enabling to network with said group
5. Within each box, select save for the permissions to be automatically applied