Using a 'nominations' approach for attendee registration

Pre-approve attendees and pre-import user information for a smooth registration experience with enhanced data collection.

Author photo  Hugh M
  Last updated November 02, 2023

Using the nominations tool requires a professional package with dedicated account management.

Why use a nomination approach to attendee registration?

If you like collecting attendee information via registration questions but also want to pre-import some of that information and keep registration open to only certain individuals then a nominations approach may be right for you.

What makes nominations different?

Here is a quick overview of the three options admins have at their disposal to register users for their events.

  1. Ticket registration: This allows users to add their own information to their attendee profile and answer registrations via a dedicated ticket link. With this approach admins cannot pre-enter some of that information prior to the attendee starting their registration process.
  2. Import: This gives admins the power to quickly add attendees manually one by one on the fly or as a group to save time. With this approach all of the information for the attendee needs to be included in the CSV import sheet and cannot be added by the attendee at a later time.
  3. Nominations: Admins can pre-import certain attributes attached to an email address that are then brought over and added to any remaining registration questions that are being asked. Admins can decide if the pre-entered information is shown to the user (allowing them to make necessary changes) or if the nomination pre-imports are hidden from the registrant (only used for back end data tracking) . It is a bit like taken both the import and ticket approach and mixing them together.

NOTE: Only the email addresses that have been pre-added will be able to complete registration.

How it works (from an attendee's perspective)

From an attendee's perspective here are the steps they will have to follow to complete registration:

  1. Go to your event's custom nomination homepage where they can login/complete registration
  2. Enter their email address in the registration section
  3. Receive and click on a custom link that is then emailed to them
  4. Follow the link sent to them to finish the remaining registration questions

How it works (from an admin's perspective)

How to set up nominations

  1. Contact your account manager to add this tool to your console. Once added it should appear under step 1 of the left hand side bar when viewing your event console.
  2. Select the nominations tool and select the settings option to begin creating the nomination attributes. This is similar to creating registration attributes for a ticket based approach.
    1. Use the nomination attributes tab to add in your nomination fields that you will then import with your attendee data. You can determine if these attributes are required for all attendees, what type of question they are and more.
    2. Use the branding tab to curate the look and feel of your registration/login page that attendees will use to register or login to your event platform.
    3. Use the domain and email whitelist tab to determine which email addresses or domains are allowed to register for your event.
    4. Use the registration tab to manage the networking settings for your nomination registration. Enabling Show networking option will add a networking option when your nominated attendees register for the event; they will have the option to join or no in your event's networking. Otherwise, you can enable Opt-in to networking by default which automatically adds all your nominated attendees in the networking by default.

      You can also enable or disable your Nomination registration. Note that disabling it will close it for your nominated attendees and they will receive the error message, "Sorry, registration is now closed."

  3. Once you have your nomination fields created, you can then move back to the nomination's page and select the import field. 
    1. Upon selecting import you will see a modal where you can view a drop down import guide. This guide will tell you what information is required/optional and what format your CSV import file will need to have in order to pre-add attendee information.
    2. Once you have your CSV file completed, select choose file and move through the data check tool to ensure your data matches up with what the system can accept for each attribute.
  4. You can then share your nomination registration link, which can be found below the create button, to your nominated attendees so they can register for your event. 

Want to ask registrants additional questions?

Depending on your needs, you may wish to also ask registrants additional questions outside of what you have pre-imported to their attendee record. If this is the case we will move to the registration tab to create these questions that attendees can fill out during their nomination registration workflow.

  1. Select the registration tab under step 1 of the left hand sidebar in your event console. Then select the attributes tab. 
  2. Enable the pre-made attributes you would like to use by selecting update next to each of the basic attributes you would like to use. You can also create your own custom attributes using the custom attribute maker at the bottom of the page, simply scroll down and select create
  3. Make sure when selecting or creating each of the attributes that you select ENABLE on the Link to Nomination field. This will add the registration attribute to your nomination workflow and will appear as an unanswered question that the user will have the option to answer once within the nomination registration path.

How is nominations different to ticket restrictions?

Ticket restrictions allow administrators to upload specific emails into individual tickets, meaning only those emails can register. However, the nomination process allows you to upload an invitation list with additional attributes (such as company, department etc.). This means that attendees information can be auto-filled as part of registration, making for a quicker, automated process. Nominations also allows administrators to see who has registered vs. those that haven't. 

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