Requesting and managing meetings on Canapii

There are a few different ways to set up a meeting with fellow attendees.

Author photo  Hugh M
  Last updated August 29 2023

How attendees can manage meetings

Attendees page

Navigate to the dedicated Attendees page on the top menu bar. This presents an active directory of all registered participants and allows you to search and filter through different parameters. From an attendee's tile you may have a few options on how you would like to connect:

Chat - the speech bubble icon opens a dedicated chat room between you and the recipient.

Request Meeting - the handshake icon takes you to a page where you can schedule time to meet, define the terms of your meeting, and add a personal note.  The recipient will receive an email notification prompting them to accept your proposed meeting.

Call - the video icon opens an instant video chat between you and the recipient(s). The recipients will receive an email notification that you have requested to call. This feature is perfect if you would like instant connection. 

Tip: Organizers can enable/disable the Call  feature under General Settings. 

Meetings page

Navigate to the dedicated meetings page in the top menu bar of the event or under My Agenda. Here you can request a meeting using the Create button. After you have created your meetings they will appear here in list form. If you already know who you would like to meet, this is the quickest way to request a meeting. 

Tip: When you create a new meeting, you can select whether you want all required attendees approval for the meeting to be confirmed, else it will be the default at least two (including host).

Quiet Hours 

Attendees can block their unavailable times and set a date and time for 'quiet hours'. This is a scheduling tool that features minimum notice time for a meeting and availability window. This can be used if the meeting settings is an open meeting slot. 

Chat bar

Don't need to request a meeting but would still like to connect? Use the dedicated chat functionality! You can chat with a specific attendee, or with a group of attendees, by going to the personal tab of your chat bar and selecting create. 

How event admins manage meetings

To utilize the meetings feature, you're required to firstly enable the meetings and/or private meetings toggles. Both can be found underneath General Settings (step 1). 

Now enabled, navigate to the meetings tab under step 2 of the console's side bar.

A meeting is a scheduled video conference between two or more participants at your event. This meetings section gives you an overview of all scheduled meetings and allows you to define your event's meeting logic. Remember, for quick meeting stats head to your event Console homepage.

All scheduled meetings will appear in list on this page, in the time zone of your event. Clicking into a meeting shows the meeting details and participants, as well as its status. As an admin, you can create meetings directly from the console between any attendees. Remember, the meeting host starts the meeting so be sure to assign the correct attendee here.

Meeting slots

To define timeslots attendees can schedule meetings within, click on settings then the meeting slots tab. You can toggle between Open or Pre-defined.

To create a timeslot hit the create button, choose the slot length and save. You can create individual or bulk slots via the batch create button. 

Note: You will need to create slots for your attendees to meet in, otherwise when they try to create a new meeting they will be unable to choose a date and time.

To encourage all attendees with pending meetings to accept their requests, you can force a notification to all participants via the pending alerts under actions.

Meeting settings

On the Meetings tab of your console > click Settings> General you will find toggles that can customize the meeting experience such as: 

  • Meeting location assignment- allow users to choose their own location for in-person meetings or automatically assign a meeting location upon meeting creation.
  • Record toggle meeting- include recording option for virtual video meeting.
    • Note: When enabled, attendees should see the "Record meeting" toggle in meeting create meeting tab and be able to toggle it on. When feature is disabled, attendees will not see the "Record meeting" toggle in the in meeting create meeting tab at all. 
  • Attendee limit- limit number of attendees per meeting including the host (minimum of 2, maximum of 100) 
  • Meeting sender- determine what email address will send meeting requests and notifications, by default it is
  • All required attendees must accept- for a new meeting, all attendees must accept for a meeting to be confirmed or booked. Default is at least 2 are required to accept including the host.
  • Meeting access- choose who can create meetings or be invited to meetings. 


Meeting Actions

Meeting Tools Actions

Users have the ability to edit or update the location of multiple meetings using the Actions feature. To use this function, check or tick the meetings that you'd like to update and select Actions > Update Location.

Meeting ActionsA pop-up modal will appear where you have to select the updated location for the meetings selected. 

Meeting Actions 1

Click Update to save the changes.



Meeting Tools

 Meeting Tools

  • Export - selecting this will export a CSV file of all the meetings listed in the console
  • Send Pending for Approval email - selecting this will send an email prompt to meeting attendees with pending meetings to approve. Note that attendees can only receive this email once every 24 hours. See sample email below:

    MicrosoftTeams-image (5)-1
  • Notify attendees with pending meetings - selecting this will send an SMS prompt to meeting attendees with pending meetings to approve. Note that attendees can only receive this SMS notification once every 24 hours.

Tip: Please note that selecting or ticking the meetings will only be useful for Actions function. On the other hand, Tools functions will be applicable to all meetings.